Dearest Followers,
Malaysia was amazing- I flew into Kuching and stayed there for only 4 short days. We stayed at this awesome backpackers hostel that had it's own bar on the rooftop. I might have visited it a few times :) I started my biodiversity class the second day I arrived in Malaysia- we visited some museums and explored the city a bit, we also met with the World Wild Life Fund- that was pretty interesting hearing about their projects in Borneo. A fun fact about Kuching is that the word means Cat- so I was staying in the city of cats and it was quite fitting because I had never seen so many stray cats in my life. After Kuching we headed to Matang wildlife center a Orangutan rehabilitation center just a few kilometers outside of Kuching.
Sarawak River- Kiching Malaysia |
We were greeted at the Matang Wildlife center by this friendly guy- Arman. He is a dominant male orangutan and he would probably kill you if he got the chance. It was amazing being so close to these amazing creatures and getting the chance to work so closely with them. Another fun fact- did you know that Orangutans have around a 97% similarity to a humans genetic make-up? This means that we run a high risk of spending diseases to each other which is why you should never hold a baby orangutan. NEVER!
Arman- A dominant male Orangutan |
My group went to the Matang wildlife center to volunteer for 2 weeks. I stayed in a long house and had two other roommates- which worked out just fine. The accommodations weren't fancy and it was pretty much just like being at summer camp. We had a pretty demanding daily schedule- Breakfast at 7:30am, volunteer/projects from 8:15 to 12:30, Lunch, A one hour break, Class, Dinner, then free time/ homework time. It was pretty grueling so I usually went to bed every night around 9pm. As you may or may not know the island of Borneo is predominantly rain forest and it was amazing being there. I remember going on our first hike and it started raining and it was the first time I really realized why it was called a rain forest. Without any warning it will begin to down pour and there will be thunder and lighting. It was amazingly beautiful. Something else I was surprised to figure out was how freaking hot it is by the equator. Holy crap! I have never sweated more in my whole life- like seriously- I didn't even know you could sweat in some of these places lol. It also didn't help that we were doing a lot of physical labor- which was part of our volunteer work. Everyday I was divided into a group and assigned to work on a certain project. You could either be on construction, wood, maintenance, Orangutans, quarantine, and sun bears. For construction you worked to clean out and build new enclosures for some of their animals there. Wood crew carried lumber into the Jungle because the center is working on building a new ranger station- this was probably the hardest crew. For maintenance I carried gravel up to a feeding area for orangutans-also very hard. Orangutans, quarantine, and sun bears was when we got the chance to work with the animals and do husbandry with them. We got to clean out their cages and feed them.
The center had more than orangutans and monkeys they also had sun bears, deers, and crocodiles!
Don't touch this spider! |
After my exciting walks I enjoyed a delicious curry pumpkin soup for dinner. It has been a tradition since I was born to have a pumpkin pie every year for my birthday. I didn't have a pie but I was so excited to find the pumpkin soup and keep the tradition alive! The group got me a tasty piece of chocolate cake and make a group cake out of cookies.
Birthday cake! |
My lovey group got me this awesome Malaysian circle dress thing! You can make it into a skirt, a dress, even a shirt- it is beautiful! After cake and presents we had a movie night and watched the Audrey Hepburn film Sabrina. It was a lovely birthday and I felt very loved by my group :)
Birthday girl in birthday dress! |
We only stayed in Mulu for 4 days then flew to Kota Kinabalu where we stayed for another 4 days. In Kota us ladies got to stay in a very fancy hotel which was so nice after spending weeks in the jungle. Getting my clothes actually washed like in a real washing machine was the best thing EVER!!! While in Kota we presented group projects and explored the city a bit- I of course found the market and did some shopping :) On one of our days there we went snorkeling. I saw so many amazing colored fish, drank fresh coconut juice with Annin, and avoided the sun- (the malaria medication I'm on makes my skin super sensitive to the sun.) It was an awesome day.
Island where we went snorkeling |
Kari and I on our way! |
Malaysia has been one of my most favorite country's so far. It was super easy to get vegetarian food, the people were so friendly (even the guys hitting on you were nice-my favorite pick-up line is "Hey Girl") it was fun to explore, and just amazing. I can definitely see myself coming back here. The jungle was hard at times and the volunteer work was really challenging physically but the people and food were so amazing that I couldn't help but fall in love a little. And with that I leave you with little Dillion the cutest little monkey ever who nearly jumped on me and petted my arm a little bit while I was working in quarantine :)
Dillion |